Full Moon, February 19, 2019

> Trust
> Intuition
> Alignment
> Eyes wide open
> Authentic Essence/ I AM Presence

Good Day to You!
I hope this day finds you well and happy. My apologies for the delay in getting this out to you, I’ve been under the weather these last few days. I have so much to share with you! This is wicked Full Moon, energies of the full moon will influence you 3-4 days on either side of the exact date. Yes, we’re still in the effects of the full moon from Tuesday. As I have indicated the last several months, we are in unprecedented times. And so, it is true, we have never been here before. The full moon on Tuesday was an eyes-wide-open time for you relating to your life, e.g. work, health, routines, consciousness, intuition, Higher Self, etc. This full moon energy is telling you, ‘I’m done’, with your old life. Six months from now your life will be vastly different than where you are now. You are growing a new life with compassion for yourself. Below is a high-level overview for each of the 12 astrological signs. It will give you some insight as to what you will be experiencing in the coming months. Be sure to read both Sun and Ascending (Rising) signs. If you don’t know your ascending sign, send me your name, date, time and location of birth. I’m happy to pull your chart for you.

It is imperative that you listen to and take care of your physical, spiritual and emotional health over the next 6 weeks. You are likely to receive strong messages from your intuition; these feelings may emerge from being stuck in a frustrating situation/ relationship or stuck in old belief patterns and behaviors. You are being guided to create and live your life from your own Authentic Essence/ I AM Presence. In any event, the life you’ve known up until now, is over. Your daily routines are going to change. Your Story, the life you were born to live has arrived. Embrace this new reality and existence that is about to unfold before your eyes. You are being guided to let go of the old reality, it no longer exists.

Many of you have shared with me that you are choosing to get into alignment; physically, mentally and emotionally with your Higher Self. You’re not imagining it, it’s happening. You are now being guided to choose to transform yourself from the inside – out. You are deciding to choose your Story, the life you were born to live, instead of being unconsciously influenced by limiting beliefs and/or the circumstances in your life (environment, relationships, job, etc.).

We have just entered the Sun in Pisces. Pisces energy governs empathy, intuition and the mystical. You are being asked to Be present to your Higher Self and physical body during this time. You will be supported during this time of growth and change of what you are manifesting. You may notice that you’re making conscious changes with diet and exercise. Your daily routines will be changing as well over the next 6 weeks.
To prepare for the upcoming New Moon in Pisces, here are the first two steps at finding your Authentic Essence/ I AM Presence. Ask yourself the following questions as you allow yourself to: Be still within. Be mindful. Be true to you and your responses, this is about you. Write down your responses, pen to paper. Note: this process takes time and reflection, you are starting Your Story, the life you were born to live. Now is the time to see and create your Authentic Essence/ I AM Presence. I’ll be writing about this in my next post for the New Moon Manifestation, March 6, 2019, @ 8:03 AM PST (San Francisco)

Awareness: Notice your attention
• Where is my attention? Breathe Deep… Take a moment to call yourself back
from your day, work, travel, etc.
• What compels my choices and actions?
• What are my feelings and experiences?
• What do I perceive, feel and sense that works for me?
• What do I perceive, feel and sense that does not work for me?

Clarity: Start from the inside-out
• Who am I? How would you describe yourself (in positive words)?
• What are my values and guiding principles?
• Identify the desired outcome. Where do I see myself?
• What do I want?
• What are my intentions?

Here is what’s on the horizon in the coming weeks. Use this information and your own intuition / Higher Self to guide you as you reflect on the questions above. I’ve included which chakra(s) that may be most affected for you. All the seven chakras are important and interconnected with each other. Usually, balancing one chakra will create change in another chakra. It is our work to take responsibility for our own lives and bring to light that which is unconscious.

Aries: You will be starting fresh this month with faith within your Higher Self. You will be healing your past life Story as you the leave the old life and prepare to live fully present of Your Story, the life you were born to live. (4th and 5th Chakras- your affinity for yourself and how you value yourself, your communication with yourself).

Taurus: This month will signify a fresh start for your heart and self-love. You are looking at renewing your relationship with you and your Higher Self. You are coming home to you. (3rd and 4th Chakras – your personal power and your affinity with spirit and how you value yourself)

Gemini: Your Story, the life you were born to live is moving you in a whole new direction! This month you will be starting fresh with building a new emotional foundation with your Higher Self. You will start feeling better about you. (4th chakra your affinity for yourself and how you value yourself).

Cancer: You will be starting fresh with a new belief and thinking about you who are as learn to connect to your Higher Self. Your old belief of caring too much about what others think and how to take care of them is over. (3rd and 4th Chakras – your personal power and your affinity with Higher Self and how you value yourself)

Leo: The fresh start you are creating is trusting yourself and setting boundaries. You are entering a new area of self-esteem as you connect with your Higher Self. Well done! (3rd and 4th Chakras – your personal power and your affinity with Higher Self and how you value yourself)

Virgo: Your fresh start will be working out your past relationship karma with yourself and others. These memories are imprinted in the subtle body and have been passed down from generation to generation creating unconscious generational patterns. You are birthing a new character! This full moon was in Virgo at 0 degrees, a BIG deal for you! (1st chakra – physical body, survival – you are starting anew!)

Libra: You will be starting fresh with new health and daily life routines. You will have a new sense of faith within you and trust in your Higher Self. It’s your time! (1st and 4th chakras – physical body, survival and your affinity with Higher Self and how you value yourself)

Scorpio: Learning self-love is your fresh start! You are removing old heart and relationship wounds. You are moving into Your Story, as you are guided by your Higher Self into unconditional love and acceptance for you. (2nd and 4th chakras – your emotions/ emotional center and your affinity with Higher Self and how you value yourself)

Sagittarius: The fresh start for you is about your feelings and emotions surrounding family. By healing your old Familia (family) pain, a new career door opens for you and what is possible for your legacy. Live the childhood you wish you had! (2nd and 4th chakras – your emotion/ emotional center and your affinity with Higher Self and how you value yourself)

Capricorn: Your fresh start will begin as you stop undermining your own beliefs and values. As you connect to your Higher Self, you will be opening your heart to a ‘let us see’ space and believe in you! (3rd and 4th chakras – your personal power and your affinity with Higher Self and how you value yourself)

Aquarius: This fresh start will be a new Trust in yourself. As you build your foundation, your sense of self-value, confidence and esteem will begin to get some traction. You will notice a lightness in your heart and chest area. (4th chakra your affinity with Higher Self and how you value yourself)

Pisces: Happy Birthday Month! You have gone through an eon* change of behavior and character. You are a new person! (I’m a Pisces and will attest to that I am no longer the person I once was!) You have ascended out of old behaviors, patterns, and beliefs. Your fresh start is happening and will continue to shift throughout the year. (6th and 7th chakras – your ability to see clearly and your ability to be still within your Higher Self)
*The word aeon /ˈiːɒn/, also spelled eon (in American English) and æon, originally meant “life”, “vital force” or “being”, “generation” or “a period of time”, though it tended to be translated as “age” in the sense of “ages”, “forever”, “timeless” or “for eternity”.

In closing, many of you are going through the Ascension* process and may not be aware. If you have been taking your own personal growth seriously the past few years, these changes will be more of a CAPSTONE AND GRADUATION — an ending of a long process that was initiated years ago and will set you up for greater things. Your Story, the life you were born to live is now. Embrace it!

We have a fabulous New Moon coming up March 6 (the day after my birthday!) @ 8:03 AM PST (11:03 AM EST). Begin preparing now for what you choose to manifest. Begin now to find your Authentic Essence and I AM Presence. Share with me what you are discovering about yourself as you connect with your Higher Self. As always, I’m available for energy and chakra clearing by appointment. I’m scheduling into March currently with limited 1:1 time available. Have an amazing day!

Blessings and Light,