New Moon / Solar Eclipse December 25,2019 @ 9:13 PM PST (December 26,2019 @ 12:13 AM EST)
Set your intentions for what you want to manifest!
Breakdown/ Breakthrough week!
Karma is leaving bringing BIG closures
Big Endings and New Beginnings
Happy Birthday to my Capricorn tribe!
New Moons are about new beginnings, this New Moon Eclipse occurring on December 25, 2019, is signaling a time of significant endings of the last 10 years that coincide with energies from 2000, 2010, 2011, and 2018 that you are complete with for good at a soul level. So that you will BEGIN to live Your Story, the life you were born to live. Take this time to reflect on your life of where you were and what you were going through. What have you mastered over the past decade that you are ready to recognize in yourself? When I reflect on my life during those years, I recognize how transformative they were for me! 2018 brought me here to you! The last time we had a New Moon eclipse like this was December 25, 2000, 19 years ago! I remember quite clearly what I had wanted to manifest. I started Clear Transformations then!
This eclipse is a Turning Point as the initiation energies of the New Moon Solar Eclipse pair up with the karmic endings. How you respond to the energy of this week and the weeks ahead will set you up for the next 12 to 30 years! We will also see big announcements and changes in our governments, businesses, etc. Yes, we are in unprecedented times!
You have so much going on right now I’ll jump right in after a few announcements.
‘What is YOUR 2020 Vision?’ For those living in the Portland Oregon Metro Area, I’m giving a class on Monday, January 6, 2020, at
Emerge Natural Health Care
1409 Franklin St #103 · Vancouver, WA 98660
Register through Vancouver Personal Growth & Development
Personal-Growth-Development-Meetup/events/266878045/ NOTE: Space is limited to 12 and is filling quickly. Register today. Donation: $25.00
Energy Generative Coaching- spend an hour with me 1:1 each week for 21- weeks with this amazing progressive course that will create permanent change in your life in a
matter of a few short weeks! I’ve been teaching this course for 25 years and never tire of seeing you grow into your own sovereignty. The new year and new decade is a splendid time to
begin to live Your Story, the life you were born to live. When you take this course, you will never be the same! And you will be invited into the closed Facebook group so that you can
converse, share and grow with others who are experiencing the same growth that you are experiencing. I now offer only six 1:1 sessions weekly. These fill quickly so register today.
Payment options are available.
Intuitive Generative Reading – This 1:1 session will address and release old energies, patterns and beliefs with a thorough chakra reading/ clearing that will kick start
you to living Your Story, the life you were born to live.

Let’s get started, I have so much to share! There is a plethora of energy and information that has been swirling around us for the last few weeks. I’m sure that you have been feeling this in a myriad of ways. In your thoughts, in your actions, and your belief patterns. The energy is life-changing on several levels!
The Solar eclipse occurring on Christmas will kick off the year on intense change and growth from the inside out for you! Your Ego will surrender this week, setting you up to commit to changing your life. All that you have worked on and worked through throughout 2018 & 2019 will now shift for you. 2018 cracked the foundation of your old life. 2019 was about stepping away from these old patterns so that you could build a new foundation. I’m working on my next post to you that will give a high-level overview of what 2020 will bring for you.
Below a very high-level glimpse by astrological sign and the chakra that will be most affected for you during this eclipse.
I highly encourage you to schedule a Chakra Healing with me so that you will be ready for 2020! I currently have only two initial 1:1 sessions per week. They are filling quickly, give YOU the gift of healing!
ARIES: My lovely Ram! You are changing the criteria in how you make decisions from within you. You are looking at what will benefit/honor you. 3rd chakra – your personal power
TAURUS: My magnificent Bull! You are starting to believe in yourself. This will increase throughout 2020. How you honor yourself and manifest. 4th chakra – your affinity with yourself and how you honor yourself.
GEMINI: My darling Twin! You are beginning to trust in yourself or are changing the criteria of how you trust yourself. You may experience some cloudiness in the coming weeks. Be patient with yourself! 6th chakra – your ability to see clearly.
CANCER: My Crab, how I adore you! You are looking at how you approach yourself in relationships. You will honor yourself will change the relationships you have with others. 4th chakra – your affinity with yourself and how you honor yourself.
LEO: My beautiful Lion! You are looking at how you approach your health and well-being. You’re about to have real insight about how you approach health and wellness will take center stage. Your quality of life is about to change for the better. 1st chakra – survival, how you treat yourself.
VIRGO: My gorgeous Virgo Virgin! You are looking at self-love on the inside. Moving aside those childhood wounds that have kept you from truly loving who you are. 4th chakra – your affinity with yourself and how you honor yourself.
LIBRA: My elegant and fair Balance! You are beginning Self-nurturing – being there for yourself. Your home and lifestyle will be the focus. 4th chakra – your affinity with yourself and how you honor yourself.
SCORPIO: My smart and classy Scorpio! You are starting to change how you talk to yourself. You will be changing the language and inner dialog that you use with yourself. 5th chakra – clairaudience, your communication with yourself and others.
SAGITTARIUS: My amazing Sag! How I adore you! (My rising sign is Sag… of course I adore you!) You are changing your inner critic and dialog with yourself. As a result, your self-esteem, how you value yourself on the inside will improve greatly. 4th chakra – your affinity with yourself and how you honor yourself.
CAPRICORN: My remarkable Goat! You are changing how you respond to yourself and your behaviors with self. You are learning to overcome and let go of childhood wounds. 3rd chakra – your personal power
AQUARIUS: My graceful Water Bearer! You are coming in faith in yourself and spirit. You are learning to manage your fear of yourself and spirit. 6th chakra – your ability to see clearly.
PISCES: My extraordinary Fish! (I’m a Pisces… of course, we’re extraordinary!) You are going through an eon shift! It’s quite exciting! You are changing how you interact with the collective. Letting go what you believed about those childhood wounds that you’ve carried around through this lifetime. 4th chakra – your affinity with yourself and how you honor yourself.
In closing, thank you for spending some time with me today. As always, I love to hear from you as you travel your journey towards Your Story, the life you were born to live. Be well and remember to treat yourself with kindness.
Blessings and Light,