April 19, 2019 Full Moon Legacy | Destiny | Completion | Breaking Karmic Cycles

➢ Legacy
➢ Breaking karmic cycles
➢ Test of character
➢ Stretching your beliefs
➢ Manifestation
➢ Completion
➢ Destiny

Good Day to You!
I hope this day finds you well and happy. Happy Full Moon today! This is a big one! This full moon on Friday, April 19th, 2019 is about you stepping into your destiny and creating a whole new legacy! Your old life is over! How exciting! This full moon is about your karmic destiny and happiness. Your Story, the life that you were born to live!

For the last several months I’ve been writing about removing and completing old patterns, old beliefs and old relationships that no longer work for you. This full moon is the culmination and completion of all that you have gone through since late 2017, specifically since November 2018 until now. You are creating your destiny and your legacy!

This week the universe/ source/ spirit (your word of choice) is telling you it’s time to complete a part of your soul’s journey that allows you to move forward with greater confidence and connection to who you are now and what you are manifesting for your future.

Let’s look back over the last 7 years. Since 2012, at the end of the Mayan calendar, the universe has been calling us to manifest and create – the last 7 years has been about changing your behavior and ego. Look at where you started, where you have been and all that you have triumphed in the last 7 years. It forced you to leave unhealthy relationships and forge a new ego. Now that you’re strong your test of character and all the work that you have done in the last 7 years will come to fruition. You are making new decisions about how you want to transform your future. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

• How do you want your future to look?
• Where do you see yourself going?
• What do you choose for your life path?
• What actions will you take so that you will manifest your choices?

This will be the week that you choose the life and story that you were born to live. If you haven’t been paying attention, well, the decisions will be made for you. This is the week to truly ask yourself what your legacy, your life, and your story will be. This week and next you will launch your new ego/character into motion as well as the first crusade you seek to achieve. Even though it may feel like ‘business as usual’, these are the seeds to your life’s legacy. This full moon early Friday morning will test that theory to the brink. If you have any doubts, don’t worry. Believe in yourself and what you can and will manifest.

The theme over the last 7 years has been about your relationships with your karmic endings or beginnings with them. The cycle that we are in now will truly be the end to those relationships. You can choose to see that as exciting and new or you can choose to see this with sadness. The choice is yours. If it’s not about relationships at this full moon then it will be about finding balance in your life, whether that is through work, relationships, play and work-life balance. This full moon is about finding balance in your life for you that will bring you happiness and peace from within. Take the next 3-5 minutes to Breathe and reflect each of these questions. Continue to reflect on and journal these questions for yourself (Spirit/ Higher Self) over the next week.

What does happiness represent for you?

What do you envision around the word ‘happiness’?

How will it feel to reach happiness?

How will you choose to live and move forward in happiness from the
inside out?

What actions will you take so that you will manifest your choices?

This full moon is telling you that you no longer must comprise your spirit or your higher self! This is the launch of your dreams and desires. These are the choices and the actions that you can take with this fabulous full moon!!

Now, let’s look at you. Below is a high-level overview for each of the 12 astrological signs including which chakras may be most affected. Your Ascending (or rising) sign will also be fully impacted with this Full Moon. (If you don’t know your ascending sign, send me your date, time and location of your birth). It’s important to read your ascending / rising sign in addition to your Sun sign. Your rising sign is you manifesting your destiny. While most Full Moons are about endings, this one marks the beginning of the new relationship with your destiny.
A Chakra’s energy will impact your emotional and physical health. Notice where in your body that you experience stress, shock, trauma or pain. Schedule a 1:1 with me to begin the discovery process.

You can now schedule 1:1 time with me via my Facebook page @ https://m.facebook.com/cleartransformationsllc/
Accepting payment with:
Venmo: @Frances-Welsh
PayPal: paypal.me/cleartransformations

Aries: You are being tested on your relationship with others, whether that is business, love or parent-child relationships. This is all about self-mastery and how you communicate with yourself and with others on a relationship level. Listen to your feelings before you act. Chakras affected: 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 3rd chakra (solar plexus) your personal power. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself and 5th chakra (throat), openness and communication with self and others.

Taurus: You are being tested on your faith and spiritual mission in your life at this time You’re determining what the realities are working for you daily. Work may be a little crazy and you’re looking at what you can and cannot do. Chakras affected: 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself and 5th chakra (throat), openness and communication with self and others.

Gemini: You’re being tested and stretched on how much you can do and pull off. It appears there’s a lot of demands being made of you. Dear Gemini, it’s important for you to notice that you have allowed these demands to be made of you. This will be a test of how you set your boundaries with yourself and with others moving forward. How you choose to create and set these boundaries is up to you. Chakras affected: 3rd chakra (solar plexus) your personal power. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself and 5th chakra (throat), openness and communication with self and others.

Cancer: You are looking at your career legacy and destination. You’re looking at how you want to end this segment of your professional life. Regardless of your age, it’s never too late to start something new. This is about leaving your professional and career legacy how you choose to leave your imprint. This is also a time when you are looking at how you give yourself care and self-love while creating boundaries with others. My dear Cancer, choose yourself first. Then you will be able to give to others. Chakras affected: 1st chakra (root), survival- food, shelter, money, work. 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 3rd chakra (solar plexus) your personal power. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself

Leo: You are being tested on the limits of thinking and the limitations you are putting on your life purpose. Dear Leo, you are being tested on the belief in yourself, spirit and your path. It will be important for you to keep your mental balance. Try not to overthink or over analyze. Acknowledge, accept and move on from whatever is blocking you or preventing you from moving forward. This is a time to place boundaries on how much information you can absorb at any given time. Chakras affected: 3rd chakra (solar plexus) your personal power. 5th chakra (throat), openness and communication with self and others.

Virgo: You are being tested on how flexible you can be. Dear Virgo, I know this is a challenge for you, it’s not something that comes easily to you. You are being tested to follow through with your transformation. You are being tested on what your limits are. If you are not being flexible with others, then you are not being flexible with yourself. I see something else going on here. It appears that you are placing value and have questions around money. What you earn, what you want or what you have. You will be tested on your personal value and limits. Chakras affected: 1st chakra (root), survival- food, shelter, money, work. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself.

Libra: You are being tested on self-mastery at maintaining balance. You are, after all, the sign of balance. Dear Libra, when you put yourself first you are able to live your path, Your Story the life you were born to live. This will be a test of your relationship limits and your ability to keep yourself calm during this lesson. Chakras affected: 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 3rd chakra (solar plexus) your personal power. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself.

Scorpio: This will be a time when you push your physical limits. Dear Scorpio, it’s important that you yield to your physical limits. Be careful with yourself. It’s OK if you can’t do it all. Listen to your physical body and listen to your spirit it will keep you safe during this time. This will be a test of your spirit and faith in yourself. Chakras affected: 1st chakra (root), survival- food, shelter, money, work. 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 5th chakra (throat), openness and communication with self and others.

Sagittarius: You will be tested on your personal dreams. Everyone: your children, your relationships, and work may all come to you at once at this full moon. This full moon will test you on your emotional limits and how far you choose to get involved. My dear Sag, it’s important to remember your dream and Your Story the life you were born to live. Chakras affected: 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 3rd chakra (solar plexus) your personal power. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself. 5th chakra (throat), openness and communication with self and others.

Capricorn: You are being tested emotionally. On both levels of personal relationships and your career. You’re asking yourself if your career is the right one or if you will still have a job or if will you find a job. Dear Capricorn, this is a time to ask yourself how ambitious and committed you are to the result, whether that is your relationship or career. Chakras affected: 1st chakra (root), survival- food, shelter, money, work. 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself.

Aquarius: You are being tested on your mental focus. Staying on task. Ask yourself what your life purpose is. Is it meaningful? What is important to you? Dear Aquarius, it’s important to stay focused on your life purpose. Don’t allow it to erode. Chakras affected: 3rd chakra (solar plexus) your personal power. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself. 5th chakra (throat), openness and communication with self and others.

Pisces: You are being tested on your self-esteem and staying committed to what you want to manifest. Dear Pisces, you tend to want to give up and not stay the course. You will be tested on what you have chosen to manifest. Stay true to yourself and believe. You will achieve and succeed! This is a time to be committed to your dedication and commitment to your values and what you are creating for yourself. How far you can go and how much money you can make are being defined by your ability to be flexible with yourself and the situation. Chakras affected: 1st chakra (root), survival- food, shelter, money, work. 3rd chakra (solar plexus) your personal power. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself. 7th chakra (crown), your spiritual connection with Source, Higher Self, compassion.

You are entering a new growth cycle for the next 7 years. What you are putting into motion now is what you will manifest over the next 7 years. Where do you see yourself in 7 years? What do you choose to manifest? It’s all there for you, my dear! You have this! I’m right there with you, every step you take on Your Story, the life you were born to live. Contact me today for the tools to live your authentic essence. Let’s begin creating your Life Map so that you can manifest your life, dreams, and creations!

As always, I love to hear how you are doing on your journey. I post regularly on my Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/clear_transformations/ I would be honored if you followed me on this journey.

Be Well. Be Kind to Yourself. Remember to validate yourself, if you don’t. No one else will.

I send you Blessings and Light.