New Moon ~ January 24, 2020 ~ Breakdown & Breakthrough
Happy Birthday to my Aquarius Tribe!
Whew! How are you? Feeling fatigued? Drained? Irritable? Confused? You have just gone through four weeks, starting on December 25, 2019, to January 12, 2020, of intense breakdown and breakthrough. We just experienced a very big energy Full Moon eclipse on January 10, 2020. Eclipse energies last for weeks and months. This eclipse will influence you for 2020 taking you into 2021. 2020 will bring great change for you. You are awakening to your higher self. How exciting! I have seen a tremendous shift with my clients over the last four weeks that is amazing! In my 25 years of Life Energy Coaching, I’ve never witnessed such a dramatic shift! One of my clients recently welcomed her ‘council’ of ascended masters into her space. The light and love that enveloped her was transcending as she has changed her energy and mindset so that she is standing in her own Light. Another client recently experienced a major shift of old energies and beliefs of herself surrounding self-doubt and has met her ascended masters that have been guiding her through this life. This all falls in line with the energies of the new year and decade.
The Aquarius New Moon on January 24th at 1:42 PM PST (4:42 PM EST) carries the energy of shocks, unexpected developments, and disruptive energies that are meant to break you out of anything that is no longer needed in your life. You are opening to bigger healing opportunities that are here now for you to understand within yourself. Whatever changes in your life are meant to lead you on a higher healing path. We have new energies that we haven’t had for 37 years. It’s time to move forward with Your Story, the life you are choosing to live. This year you will experience great breakdowns and breakthroughs so that you will rebuild and grow Your New Story, the life you are choosing to live!
The other area I want to touch on is ‘how fast everything is moving’. Many of you, myself included, have noticed that life and energy are moving at the speed of Light! You are not imaging it. You are being called to ‘up the game’ of your life. This level of energy will not be slowing down anytime soon… through 2020. It will be important for you to honor yourself and find the balance to stay on track with your soul growth and journey. Many of you have commented to me that you feel a guiding push that is moving you in a direction that you never considered and have been confused about the direction that you’re being guided. Trust your spirit, source, God, the universe as it guides you to exactly where you’re supposed to be. You have this!
This year is about Breakdowns and Breakthroughs so that you will rebuild what you have removed. You are making choices about your old self so that you will believe in your new self. You are removing old boundaries that no longer work for you so that you will create new boundaries that are necessary for you to stand in your own Light.
You are leaving old relationships that no longer serve you so that you have a new healthy relationship with yourself.
You will create a new faith in Self.
You will create a new social belonging that honors You.
You will create a new belief in YOU!
You will create new boundaries with Self.
You will create a New Self Love with Self.
You will release old karma.
You will face your fears.
You will work hard this year to achieve your dreams, your desires. You will transform your life.
You will Ascend.
You Are Amazing
You Are Significant
You Are Remarkable
Stay Tuned for more.
I send you Blessings and Light on your journey.