Full Moon / Equinox Paradigm Shift
Healing into Wholeness
Sudden Change
Awakening to Higher Self
Self- Belief and Self- Value
Good Day to YOU!
Happy Birthday month to my ARIES Tribe!
How are you doing? Let’s take a moment to check in. You’ve gone through tremendous shifts, changes, endings, and beginnings in the last 6 months. Affirm and validate all that you have changed, ended, begun, created and achieved! You have been working, consciously and … not so conscious on creating change in your life. Some of these changes have been made for you, e.g. loss of income, home, relationship. Other changes you have manifested, e.g. new home, a new source of income or perhaps living a healthier lifestyle. Congratulations! Look what you have done! Kudos! It’s been a stimulating 6 months on every level for all of you. Many of you have shared with me what has been happening in your life. Thank you for sharing your confidences with me. I am humbled and honored to be the guardian of your shared experiences and memories.
We are in a paradigm shift within our collective consciousness, soul collective, personal growth and awareness. Yes, it’s that’s significant. On March 6th Uranus moved into Taurus. This significant transit will be with us through April 2026, it will shake up the status quo for the first time in 84 years. This is a harbinger of breakthroughs, sudden change, and cosmic intelligence. This energy is working with your current state of consciousness to awaken more of what you value and want in your life.
Uranus activates a new Awakening process in your perception of money and your relationship to your self-value. On a collective level, we will change how we use and make money, banking, financial systems, possessions, agriculture, the land, music, and the earth is a powerful messenger. This transit is going to activate more within yourself around your self-worth, limiting beliefs, second chakra, abundance/willingness to receive, standing your ground, reviewing what you own and collect, and feminine awakening energies. Molly McCord
Prepare for the Full Moon and Equinox
The Equinox is on Wednesday, March 20 at 2:58pm PDT. Equinox is a key moment because of its balancing qualities. We also have a rare Full Moon at 6:43pm PT which will make it a very powerful moment for balance and rewriting realities. You are entering the new beginning of all that you’ve been creating since late 2018. Your Ascension has begun, Your Story, the life you were born to live has arrived with this Full Moon / Equinox. Use this passage wisely. I encourage you to spend time in reflection and contemplation. Allow the energy to flow through and around you. Be patient with self and others, we’re all going through the same thing. The great love affair you thought you couldn’t live without, whether it was an intimate relationship, career, home, etc., I’ve been writing about since October 2018 is officially over. This Full Moon / Equinox is all about healing old wounds and yourself.
We have entered a soul collective. What once was in your life will never be again. It is quite exciting! Many of you have been asking me about the ascension process, what it means and what are the symptoms. Due to the amount of information that I’ll be sharing, I’ll post this information on the following sites:
Below is a high-level overview for each of the 12 astrological signs including which chakras will be most affected. Your Ascending (or rising) sign will be fully impacted with this Full Moon. (If you don’t know your ascending sign, send me your date, time and location of your birth). While most Full Moons are about endings, this one today marks the beginning of a new relationship with yourself. It’s important to read your ascending / rising sign in addition to your Sun sign. Your rising sign is you manifesting your destiny.
Chakra’s also impact your physical health. Notice where in your body that you experience stress, shock, trauma or pain. Schedule a 1:1 with me to begin the healing process. You can now schedule 1:1 time with me via my Facebook page https://m.facebook.com/cleartransformationsllc/
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Venmo: @Frances-Welsh
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Aries: You are birthing a new ego/ identity. You are ridding yourself of old patterns and creating a new relationship with self. You are the Phoenix rising! Chakra affected: 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself.
Taurus: You are experiencing a new faith and expansion of you. You’re in the process of building a new lifestyle of balance. Creating a new daily life! Chakra affected: 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy.
Gemini: This Full Moon you are creating a new agreement with the world – a new relationship with yourself and who you are in the world. You are connecting with your Higher Self! Chakra affected: 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself. 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy.
Cancer: You are healing career/ legacy wounds this month. You are creating a life/career worth living for as you connect to your Higher Self. You will create balance in your life that honors you! Chakra affected: 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself. 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 3rd chakra (solar plexus) your personal power.
Leo: You are moving out of the dark and into the light! You are creating a new dialog with yourself. Healing the inner critic and creating a new belief of you and your Higher Self. Chakra affected: 5th chakra (throat), openness and communication with self and others.
Virgo: This will be a big month- until April 19th surrounding money and self-trust. You are creating a new self-confidence as you rely on your Higher Self to manifest more! Chakra affected: 1st chakra (root), survival- food, shelter, money, work.
Libra: You are healing your relationship with yourself! You are releasing the self-doubt you’ve carried with you through this lifetime. You are creating a whole new YOU! Chakra affected: 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself. 5th chakra (throat), openness and communication with self and others. 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality and intimacy.
Scorpio: You are healing your daily life & a lifestyle- work, home and a new faith and relationship with your Higher Self and Source! This is an ideal time to reflect and meditate how you want to heal and create this new relationship with self and Higher Self. Chakra affected: 1st chakra (root), survival- food, shelter, money, work. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself.
Sagittarius: You are healing how you feel about yourself. This is a new day for your relationship with your heart & Higher Self. You have been working and thinking very hard about your life and the path you’re going to take. There will be changes on the horizon surrounding the home, career, and your identity! How exciting! Chakra affected: 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself. 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 1st chakra (root), survival- food, shelter, money, work.
Capricorn: You are healing your emotional home and creating a more stable emotional foundation! You are exploring your heart and connecting with Higher Self. You will notice changes in your career, legacy and your priorities. Chakra affected: 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself.
Aquarius: You are healing your inner critic and your self-dialog. You are changing what you believe and value. You are believing in yourself and connecting with Higher Self! Chakra affected: 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself. 3rd chakra (solar plexus) your personal power.
Pisces: You are healing your self-confidence, how you view money and follow through. Finances have been unstable for the last 7 years, all that has changed with Uranus move into Taurus. You will start to see a calm surrounding income and finances! You are manifesting a whole new life with a trust of yourself and connection to Higher Self. Chakra affected: 2nd chakra (sacral), your clairsentience – your emotional center, sensuality, and intimacy. 4th chakra (heart), your affinity with yourself, how you value yourself. 6th chakra (3rd eye), your ability to ‘see’ clearly, intuition, understanding. 7th chakra (crown), your spiritual connection with Source, Higher Self, compassion.
Some links for your own exploration and development:
I wish you well on your journey. As always, I love to hear from you and how you are traveling on your path. I’m researching and writing my next post to you now, the New Moon, April 5th at 1:50 am PT.
I send you Big Love, Blessings & Light!