Happy New Year – New Moon Eclipse Manifestation 2019
January 1, 2019
Happy New Year! Now is the time to begin your journey, the Story you were born to live! We’ve been feeling a collective shift of energy since the beginning of November and we’re now hitting the energetic ‘restart’ button as the calendar switches over from December 31 to January 1. The Sun is in Capricorn, which means we have an AMAZING new moon eclipse on Saturday, January 5, at 5:28 pm PST / 8:28 pm EST. Happy New Moon Birthday to my Capricorn tribe. With Saturn in your sign since December 2017, where he lives and thrives, life has been a bit of challenge for you. You’ve stood tall during this challenge and you will continue to grow and evolve through 2020.
2018 has been very tumultuous and many of you will hardily attest to this personally. 2018 taught us boundaries – with ourselves, work, relationships, and our health. We were made to remove or end what was no longer working for us. If we didn’t pay attention or make these changes/ choices for ourselves, these decisions were made for us. At times rather abruptly, e.g. loss of job, loss of relationship, health issues, etc. All done rather dramatically! The purpose of these changes was to get you back on you path, the Story you were born to live. As I indicated last month, I’ve known since I was a very girl why I was put here on this Earth. I’ve always known what my souls’ purpose is, however, I got waylaid for a very long time… more than 20 years. I’ve recently made the leap of faith and trust, and left a successful 35-year corporate healthcare career to live My Story, the one I was born to live. In my November post, I shared a story of my coming home from a long day on the road, ‘Everything will be OK’. Since that fateful day, I’ve opened my heart, mind, and spirit as I’ve embraced all that the universe has shown me. The synchrony of all that has happened and played out in my life since that day has been mind blowing! If you’ve been paying attention to your spirit and life, you will see the same synchrony occurring in your life. If you have not been paying attention… get ready for a new life in 2019!
Enter 2019… you are on a new path, the Story you were born to live. Your new soul contract is being initiated with these strong energies occurring this week and more specifically for the New Moon Eclipse on Saturday, January 5 @ 5:28 pm PST / 8:28 pm EST. Remember, New Moons are all about new beginnings and eclipses bring the power to make your intentions and dreams come true. You may be feeling a rising clarity in what your soul/ spirit is guiding you to prioritize next.
As you contemplate your New Year, ask yourself if you’re making ‘resolutions or intentions’. Think about the meaning/definitions behind those two words. There is no right or wrong, just what resonates with you.
Resolution – ‘a promise to yourself to do or not do something’
Intention – ‘something that you want and plan to do’
Cambridge Dictionary
“How you end, is how you begin” … if you can find gratitude, forgiveness, and healing with 2018. Then you can find these, as you begin this new year, 2019. We want and need to know when something is going to end. We reach the end when we are authentic with ourselves, honor how you feel. Moving through the truth of yourself without going through the ego, e.g. ‘I’m fine’; ‘It’s OK; ‘I know how it is’…
Allow yourself to receive unconditional love this new year. I have a story to share with you. On the Solstice on December 21st. I went for a ‘float’. I was in a pod of complete sensory deprivation as I floated in 1200 lbs. of medical grade Epsom salt. Suddenly, I experienced a tremendous feeling of Love and Light moving through me and around me. It was the most incredible feeling I’ve ever felt. To be caressed with this sensation of Love and Light… ‘Everything will be OK’
We’re entering a new eclipse cycle for the next 18 months. On this new moon eclipse in Capricorn, you will start to build the foundation of the Story you were born to live. Make no mistake, you will work hard to set the cornerstones of this foundation, however, the rewards will show themselves within 6 months and beyond. Capricorn is the mountain goat, always striving with persistence and determination to reach his goal. Most Capricorns I know are quite successful. This new moon eclipse will be about ‘slow and steady’, think mountain goat. For your new moon manifestation focus on practical long-term goals as you build the foundation of the Story you were born to live. You may find that you are drawn more to your spiritual development, nurture your dreams. This year will set up your sense of spirit and self for the next 30 years. As I mentioned in my December Solstice/ Full Moon post on December 20. We are entering a new collective consciousness of the Devine Feminine- this will continue through 2030 and beyond for the next 2000 years! Yep, we’re leaving the old ways behind! You are rising up and it’s time to honor who you are now.
In 2019 you will be asked to take some things seriously, to step into the Story you were born to live. You will be guided to rearrange your life. Finally letting go what is not working for you, if you don’t it will be done for you! Your past will paralyze your future. You will have more commitment and discipline to actualize your dream, the Story you were born to live.
I’m available for 1:1 time for energy clearing and healing as you start the new year. For my Capricorn tribe, get on my calendar as soon as possible. It’s time to update your soul contract and the contracts you have with others in your life to bring it in to present time so that you can move forward with an open heart, mind, and spirit. I have some availability left in January and scheduling into February – email me – Fran@cleartransformations.net or message me to schedule a 1:1 with me.
For your New Moon Manifestation begin now contemplating what you want in your life: new job, relationship, home, holiday, money (be realistic … lottery may not happen), etc. from this point on. These changes are happening now within you. You will start to see these changes manifest outwardly in the coming months. Be mindful how you want to create your life for the coming days, weeks, months and years. This is your time to create your life and connect with your spirit.
Write your manifestations, pen to paper, at the exact time or within a 2-4-hour window on either side of the exact time. Saturday, January 5 @ 5:28 pm PST / 8:28 pm EST. The closer to the exact time, the greater the outcome will be.
Specify (refine) your desires, wants, goals. Have you been mindful of your manifestations? Have you lived each day with intent & purpose?
Be specific with what you want to achieve
Be descriptive with what you desire
Reflect and contemplate what you choose in your life
Reflect and contemplate how you choose to live your life
I appreciate you giving me your time while you read these posts. We are on the precipice of major changes in our collective consciousness as humans and within each of you. I wish you well on your journey.
In closing, I wish to thank all of you that sent me their pics of the Solstice Full Moon with the Orbs! I received them from all over the US and Canada! Truly amazing! Many of you have been asking me about Orbs and what they mean, etc. They are orbs of energy, some believe they are the Arc Angels. I’ve been studying with a few international fellows who have written extensively about them. One of these fellows is the renowned, Stewart Pearce http://www.theangelsofatlantis.com/angelic-orbs/ I recently purchased my first set of angel cards. I must say, they resonate within me and have had a profound effect in my life.
As I continue my inner work and studies, I thank you for allowing me to share my journey with you. I’m very excited to announce that I begin my accreditation training as a Spiritual Life Coach through the International Coach Federation (ICF) this month! I’m so excited to begin this second part of My Story, the life I was born to live.
If what I’ve written resonates with you, please feel free to like and share with your friends.
I’ve been updating my website: https://www.cleartransformations.net/ and my Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/cleartransformations/ Feel free to email directly at Fran@cleartransformations.net or call (971) 220-5650 with any questions or to schedule 1:1 time with me.
I am developing and writing new meditations and hope to get them up on my new YouTube channel soon. Stay tuned!
As always, I love hearing from you and how you’re writing your next Story, the life you were born to live.
I send you Blessings and Light. Be well.