We live in a time of constant information, constant connection, constant judgement. We are in constant judgement of others. We see flaws in our friends, family and strangers and judge them… hoping we don’t have these flaws in ourselves. However, the reality is what we judge in others are the very flaws we most dislike in ourselves. Painful… isn’t it?
How can you move from judgement of others to acceptance of (others) yourself? Accept your flaws without judgement of yourself? STOP… each time you find yourself judging another. ASK yourself why you are judging that person. LOOK within to identify the flaw within yourself that you are placing judgement that person.
Your flaws don’t define you unless you deny them. BREATHE. Acknowledge your judgement of others as the flaw within yourself that you like the least. BREATHE… Let it go. BREATHE… your journey as spirit has begun. BREATHE…